14th February 2012Vote in our Wall of Fame Competition!
ArtGrad is celebrating its second birthday with a
Wall of Fame Competition 2012.
It’s a competition with a difference –
anyone can vote - all our commercial buyers and friends (yours as well!!) who view the site will be asked to vote for their favourite artist from the 9 we've carefully whittled the entrants down to.
The Prize Winner will benefit from a specially written press pack – about them and their work done by a
professional PR agency.
It’s something that will help them on their way to developing their career.
Click here to go to the competition page - and cast your vote!
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- The ArtGrad Wall of Fame competition winner is announced.....
- Vote in our Wall of Fame Competition! 14th February 2012
- Help us celebrate our 2nd birthday by casting your vote for your favourite artist
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